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A rust crate to interact with Docker


A simple library for interacting with the Docker API through Rust.


If you want to use shipshape in your project, simply include the following in your Cargo.toml:

shipshape = "0.1.1"


Supported actions Function API Call
Creating a container from an image create_container(String) /containers/create
Starting a container start_container(String) /containers/{id}/start
Stoping a container stop_container(String) /containers/{id}/stop
Pausing a container pause_container(String) /containers/{id}/pause
Unpausing a container unpause_container(String) /containers/{id}/unpause

The return type of every function is Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>.

Every function takes a single parameter. create_container takes a JSON formated string, which is sent directly to the Docker API. This is detailed here. The other functions take a string containing the container ID to operate on.

As the goal is to make this tool as simple as possible, the output from each function is the exact string returned by the API call, and API errors are not handled.


Create and start a container

This example uses serde and serde_json to extract the container ID from the string returned by create_container. This example also uses tokio to allow main to be async.
Running this example requires the alpine Docker image downloaded. To download this image, simply run

docker pull alpine
extern crate shipshape;

use shipshape::{create_container, start_container};
use serde::Deserialize;

#[dervie(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct ContainerCreateReturn {
  Id: String,
  Warnings: Vec<String>

async fn main() {
  //Create a container using the "alpine" image
  match create_container(r#"{"Image": "alpine", "Cmd": ["echo", "hello world"], "AutoRemove": true"#.to_string()).await {
    Ok(val) => {
      //Convert the returned, JSON formated, String to a struct for easy parsing
      let return_json: ContainerCreateReturn = serde_json::from_str(&val[..]).unwrap();
      //Start the container
      match start_container(return_json.Id).await {
        Ok(val) => {
          //If val is empty, the container has started
          assert_eq(val, "".to_string());
        Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err),
    Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err),

More documentation

You can find more documentation on, and on