Current Projects

Web3 Game API

Web3GameAPI, as the name suggests, is an API solution to allow you to easily integrate Web3 aspects into your video game. It's a simple REST API, so it's very easy and familiar to use. For more information about how it works and how to use it, contact us and try it in your project for free, or visit to get an idea of how it works.


PayOnline is a simple solution for accepting online orders from your website. Check out the demo here.

Previous Projects


The goal of Cycle wast to create a cloud-hosted smart phone. This would give users the ability to buy the cheapest avaiable phones, run Cycle on these phones, and have the power of a modern flagship device.

More Info
Cycle Phones


Dissolution is a first person shooter video game where all of your items are represented by crypto-currency tokens. For this project I designed both the database to manage users and their items as well as a server solution, using AWS lambda functions, to connect the game to the Etheruem network.

Try it on Steam
Dissolution Cover logo was a market place for crypto-currency collectibles. It offered a set of APIs for game developers to easily integrate items into their games, as well as a set of smart contracts that allowed users to create their very own collectible trading platform and to make and sell their own custom items, all with no Ethereum network fees to the creator.

Archived Website


K!te is a travel app where people share earn points for their travel. I built a GraphQL API to facilitate all the features of the app, including adding friends, login and signup, and making posts. I also wrote a script to transfer their Firebase database to MongoDB.

K!te Map

Dissolution Cover, and Xenum Logo are properties of Garage Studios Inc. and Xenum Inc respectively. K!te is a property of Kite.